The store is huge - covering over 5 acres and a million square feet of selling space. It is the biggest department store in Europe.
According to Harrods' shop windows "Shoe Heaven" had just opened on the 5th floor.
BTW - In North America, we would call that the "6th" floor, but never mind, that is another story unto itself. Besides, I really can't imagine that I will be able to change a nation and get them to re-number all their floors to coincide with North American norms. There are many other quests that I am far more likely to succeed at.
Anyway, back to "Shoe Heaven".
It delivers as promised - and more.
We walked down a marble hall with large shops on each side dedicated exclusively to every upmarket designer known to the elite shoe enthusiast.
A fortune could be spent there - and I am sure many have already been spent.
John, you can relax, fortunately for you, I am not a Shoe Maven.
But, I do hear the jewelry department calling my name....
tennis shoes cost WAY less than tiaras......