Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Electronics and Comunications

I think its safe to say I take my electronics and telecommunications for granted.... So much so, that when they don't work, I am at a loss. (Actually, I PANIC!!!)

The day after we arrived I was so proud of myself as I headed out to get mobile phone service. Within about an hour or more, and a bunch of trips between the local Sainsbury's (grocery store) and phone store, and with much help from the phone store guy, I was able to get cell phone service on my phone. I was incredibly proud of myself!

It received calls and made calls - YEAH ME!!!! (And the phone store guy!)

However, unbeknownst to me, some minor "nuances" stood between my cell phone and getting the desired Internet service.

I decided to let my cellular phone store guy have a break from the idiot that just arrived (that would be ME!) So the next day I called the HELP DESK. Well..... we all know how much fun that can be......

Long story short, and about an hour or more later on the phone, I thought I had it fixed, but had to shut off my phone to activate it - which meant I had to end my call to my patient saviour at the Help Desk.

Off.... On..... Still no internet service on my phone. WTF!?!!??!

About 5 minutes into my frustrating life of trying to figure it out AGAIN, by myself, my phone rings.... "Hullo Linder, this is Calvin, just calling to see if you got internet service on your phone yet."

You are the BEST, CALVIN!!!!!

So I try again with Calvin..... And again turn the phone off and on.

IT WORKED!!!!!!!

Three minutes later my phone rings again: "Hullo Linder, this is Calvin again, just calling to see if you have internet service on your phone yet."


After John..... of course.....

P.S. Another "FUN" side to the REALITY of moving....

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