Friday, September 5, 2014

Language: Nuances or Barriers?

Many nations speak English, but there are variations and nuances in accents, even within the country.

For instance, my ears hear the British pronounce words that end in an "a" with a sound like an "er".

The reason I notice this..... is because I always hear that I am "Linder from Canader". REALLY!?!?

I always thought I was "Linda from Canada".

Another thing my finely tuned ears (HA!) hear, is that the British pronounce "th" as an "f".

So I hear a British person say "I fink blah blah blah.......", when in fact I believe they are saying "I THINK blah blah blah."

Where the real difficulty for me arises is with the word for 3 - for the number "THREE". I hear them saying "FREE".

Now, for me, the problem with that is, we all know how I love a bargain and how I perk up when I hear the word "FREE"!!!!!!!

So on the count of "one, two, FREE" you have my attention and I am all over it!!!

I will say, I do sincerely believe that we Canadians have refined the accent to perfection, eh!

Siiiiiiigh. Perhaps I can make some inroads on enunciation "whilst" I am here.


LindA from OttawA, CanadA

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