Wednesday, September 3, 2014

House Hunting with a Mission!

I hate House Hunting with a Mission.

I find it is always so stressful trying to find a place that ticks all the boxes. Or, close to all the boxes. Or, please just give me SOME of the boxes!

Now let me define House Hunting with a Mission - it is NOT looking at beautifully decorated show homes, scouting for re-modelling or re-decorating ideas, in price ranges you can't afford, and at houses you have no intention of buying, and in actuality really aren't thinking of moving anywhere anyway. That is not House Hunting with a Mission.

I'm talking about "I NEED a home, and I need it NOW, and I need it HERE, and I have a certain BUDGET." For me, I'm talking stressful. THAT is House Hunting with a Mission.

John's offices are in sleepy little Woking, SW of London. If we are living in London, we want to be in LONDON!!!! In a vibrant, hip hop happening kinda place - where you can walk out the front door to shops, restaurants, and local pubs where you can take off your shoes and table dance for hours before staggering home.... on a weeknight morning..... Because we are like that! Seriously!

John suggested a houseboat.

A bit too small.

Fun in concept - for a short vacation.

We did talk to a man (walking his dog) who has been living on a houseboat for 20 years! He said he loves the neighbourhood!

I thought about Buckingham Palace.

Great idea, but a bit too big! And no vacancy for riff raff off the street - even Canadians!

Historical.... but a bit noisy...

Something with a view?

Maybe, but a bit small.....

Or something on the Thames....

I thought this one could be interesting, but when I read the fine print along the water, I decided "not a good choice"....

Now..... seriously, lets look at something a little more reasonable and in our price range...... in one of the most expensive cities in the world.... LONDON!



For some reason, I have an overwhelming urge to - renovate!!!! Afterall, its been less than 2 years since my last renovation project in Houston. And another 2 years before that since the renovations in Calgary.

So perhaps renovating an old Victorian home might just fit in....

Or...... perhaps a nice new apartment on the Thames, spacious at 850 sq ft, and overlooking new apartments being built. Perfect for Peeping Toms!

Oh yes, the fun, the glamour and the excitement of moving!!!!!



More like the seedy side of REALITY! YUK!

But I will be living in LONDON - once I find a home!!!!!

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