Sunday, September 14, 2014

Patience Required

Things don't always happen at the pace we want.

For instance:

Mobile/cell phone - took two days.

Bank account - after 10 days and two pre-booked appointments with a Banking Specialist, where the first appointment was 2 hours and the second appointment an hour, we finally have a bank account. Yeah us. Ha! We still don't have our banking cards. Hopefully they will come this week. We can't get a charge card - and can't start the application process for at least 3 months, and then, maybe we can get one in 6 months. I could do another entire blog entry on HSBC, but really, why spew nastiness in a blog that is supposed to be fun?

Bed delivery - 3 weeks. I was told they don't keep them in stock and they have to order it from the factory before it gets made.

Laundry - both the washing machine and dryer are the same machine. It takes 2 hours to wash and then at least another 45 minutes to dry. That totals close to 3 hours per load. That's a long time to be running around naked.

I can hardly wait until we find our new home and have to apply for heat, electricity, television permit, internet service and council tax. What did I forget?

The upside is, we won't have a car so we won't need to apply for a parking permit.

As for fast, the trains are on time and move really fast!

Moving to a new country is so exciting, exotic and glamorous. Not totally.

Feeling: Very privileged. Basically.

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