Thursday, May 14, 2015

Re-Purposing the Iconic Red Telephone Booths

Now that most people and their dog have cell phones, the need for public payphones has diminished.

So, what to do with all those iconic red phone booths?

Re-purpose! Of course!

How about an ATM machine?

Great way to easily and quickly get cash to tourists, so they can give a boost to the economy. (Also great for the locals on their way to their favourite pub.)

 Or, how about use it to store defibrillators?

What about a Wifi station?

Or a Book Exchange?

Or a solar charging station?

Reminds me of that saying that goes something like this.... "Everything old is new again"....


  1. Thanks for showing me this! Are you also the photographer?

  2. Photos are from both John and me. The good ones are mine, the not so good ones are John's. ;-)
