Friday, January 30, 2015

Brixton Brewery

John is getting into exploring different Craft Beers. (Purely for comparative and educational purposes. Well, that's his story and he's sticking to it.)

One of his new favourites is Brixton Brewery.

After a quick Goggle search we learned that Brixton Brewery is a short walk from our place.

We found the brewery twenty minutes later - located under a railway bridge.

We were invited in. Our mouths dropped when we stepped inside. It was very tiny. 

One thing I will say, often I have to catch my tongue whenever I am tempted to say "WOW!!! That sure is small!!!" Or, "WOW!!! That's it!?!??!"

This was one of those instances.

We were surprised how such a little space could produce beer on a commercial basis. Mind you, a small commercial basis, but, still a commercial basis.

John is very chuffed (pleased) with his new neighbourhood-find. I am sure on hot summer days we will easily find our way over to the Brixton Brewery - for purely educational purposes.


  1. Ummmm "hot summer days" ??? You are in London - right ?? :>)

    1. hmmmmm..... you could be right. We haven't been here for the summer yet, but, I have been told by locals that summers here are "beautiful"....

  2. You'll probably love it after the hot humid Houston summers!
