Saturday, January 10, 2015

Too much money

Some people just have way too much money.

I saw this car in Kensington, a posh area of town littered with many VERY expensive cars.

This one drew a crowd of people taking photos, which made me curious, so I Googled the vanity license plate - "BAII BYY".

The 2011 Mercedes CLS 3501 is covered in a million Swarovski crystals.

It is owned by a 21 year old Russian business student from Moldova, bought as an early birthday gift by her parents.

Apparently she brought workers from Russia to work 12 hour days over 2 months to place the crystals on the car.

Many of the muscle cars in Kensington have bespoke (custom) paint jobs that are driven by "rich Arab Playboys". They create (just a little) controversy as they roar down the well-heeled streets.

One day we saw a gold Ferrari. John pretended he didn't notice it. Even as it revved up beside us.

We proudly own: no cars!

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