Saturday, June 27, 2015

Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace

What could be more iconic than the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace?

It happens pretty much everyday at 11:30am and lasts for about 45 minutes.

Little did I know that half the tourist population in London would all be waiting at Buckingham Palace to view this with me.

And that half of them would all be standing in front of me! Or jostling and elbowing me for a piece of "my" real estate.

Add to that the ever-popular "selfie sticks", and, trying not to trip over them when they're not being used for those annoying selfies!

As luck would have it, in this massive steaming sea of humanity, there was a very tall and very big Kiwi bloke stationed beside me. He then proceeded to pull out of his ginormous rucksack (backpack) an iPad to film the action. Siiiiigh.

This giant and his iPad had the best vantage point of all of us. Which turned out to be a really good thing, as a group of us huddled around him to get the best view, from his iPad!

I think he loved his new found popularity and attention.

As for me, I'm thinking that when all the "tourists" go home, and/or it rains, we "locals" will get a much better chance to view the action.

Either that, or, I can just get-over being the  "polite Canadian" and get my elbows out like the rest of the tourists.

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