Monday, December 8, 2014

Morning Walk along the Thames

On a Wednesday morning I was walking along the Thames and happened upon this brigade. 

I don't know about you, but, I'm not used to seeing guys wear white tights, high heals with fancy buckles, short red velvet knickers, matching flared red velvet coats, coordinated red caps and carrying sticks. 

Well, I'm certainly not used to seeing that during the day. Especially midweek!

I am not sure who they were, or, what they were doing. But they certainly looked historical, official and picture worthy. (That could be one description.... there could be others.....)

So, my theory, which is my very own, is that the guys with the sticks are historically replicating oarsmen rowing very important officials along the Thames to equally important meetings.

That's my story and I'm going to stick with that until someone tells me something better.   

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