Thursday, October 30, 2014

House hunting - and the beat goes on....

The story behind home #3.... A developer had recently converted an historic old lens factory into an apartment and townhouse complex. Very cute and we just loved it.

An investor was in the process of purchasing the unit we were interested in, and, after he took possession we had a contract to rent it from him.

Prior to the landlord's purchase being completed, there was a "snagging list" (punch list) of items that needed to be fixed. This delayed closing the purchase transaction. A bit disappointing, but manageable.

Monday, October 13, 2014

First Overnight Adventure - to Bath, Somerset

Our first overnight adventure was to Bath, a two hour train ride west of Woking. (I now quote time in terms of train travel.)

In order to sound like a local, you have to pronounce Bath as the locals do...... Don't pronounce the "a" like in "apple". Instead drag out the "a" like you do when you open your mouth for the Dr and say "aaaaaawwwww". Make it sound like "Baaaaaaaawwwwwwth".

I would say we North Americans struggle with it. Our faces do weird things when we try to say it like the locals. We lower and extend our jaw and voices, and try to look very serious as we say it. I don't think we do a very pretty job of it. But that's just my opinion.

Bath is a beautiful old historic city set among rolling green hills.

I will not embarrass myself by pretending to be a history, engineering or architectural expert.

Still Homeless

Despite having lost track of how many homes I have looked at, you have no idea how much I wish I could say that we have found a home.

 As we are finding out, first hand, the laws for selling and renting a home are a little "different" here in the UK than what we are used to.

My opinion, through personal experience, is that it would appear the laws favour being the seller, or, the landlord. And the tenant, or the purchaser, bears a lot of risk and expense.

The system is set up that a verbal agreement is made between the tenant and landlord. The tenant then gives a substantial deposit to the landlord to show their good faith and intent to rent the property. The tenant must then complete an extensive and expensive number of checks, i.e. gas compliance certificate, mortgage compliance, etc and paperwork to complete the transaction.

Meanwhile, the landlord takes the deposit cheque, does not sign any papers, but SHOULD remove the property from the market while the tenant completes the necessary checks.

Friday, October 10, 2014


It is good to know that the Late Night Ferry in Portsmouth advertises itself to be "RELIABLE", as opposed to promoting themselves as "UNRELIABLE".

Comforting to know.

It has been a very hot news topic of late.

Welly Wanging

We found this sign in Hampstead Heath Park on a Sunday.

What, dare we ask, could "Welly Wanging" be?

(Not to be confused with the other British national sport, "Willie  Wanging".... It's a guy thing....)

Why is Rob the "Current Leader"?

And what did he do to earn this dubious distinction?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Exploring Little Venice and Camden Markets

Sundays are a great day to explore.

Last Sunday John did a fantastic job planning our day and charting new territory. (I will praise him profusely so that he keeps doing it.)

We didn't plant any flags to claim new land as ours, but we did check things out.

We started with Little Venice in the Paddington area.

The canals were very peaceful and serene and we felt like we had discovered a secret little hideaway.

Ducks and swans slowly meandered nibbling the green algae on the water's surface.

Look What I Found!

.... close to the British Museum.


An entire building dedicated to.... umbrellas! And walking sticks. Since 1830.

People here must really love their brollies...

And I am starting to understand why.


The world famous James Smith and Sons Umbrella Shop was founded in 1830 and is still owned and run as a family business. For 175 years the company has been making umbrellas, sticks and canes for both ladies and gentlemen and their reputation as the home of the London umbrella is well justified.
The historic and beautiful shop is on New Oxford Street in the heart of London’s West End and is a stunning reminder of the Victorian period. The shop retains the original fittings designed and made by the master craftsman employed by the business and is a work of art in itself.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


In case I haven't already mentioned it, I hate househunting. Especially when I am desperate to find a home.

After a grueling search, I finally found an old Victorian rowhouse and put an offer on it.

It seems that here the paperwork involved in renting a property is more complicated than what we are used to and it takes a while to pull it all together.

After over 2 1/2 weeks of paper shuffling we were preparing to move in on the Friday. On the Wednesday afternoon, after delays and stalling from the landlord's side of the table, the landlord's agent called to say that the landlord had been entertaining another offer, for more money, so if we wanted him to sign the papers in order to move in a day and a half, as planned, we needed to give him more money!

As the locals say, we were GADZUMPED!!!