Sunday, February 14, 2016

Changing of the Guards - Horses Guard Parade

An iconic and extremely popular British tourist destination is to watch the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace.

Trust me on that, I have been there along with every other tourist in London.

But a not-so-well-known location to watch the changing of the guards is at Horse Guards Parade. 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Beating the Winter Doldrums in London

Winter in London isn't very cold, from a Canadian perspective. 

Temperatures rarely go below freezing in the city. 

But, with a latitude of 51 degrees north, it means that in the winter the days are very short and the nights are very long. 

In the morning, it can be close to 8:00am before twilight peaks out. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Look What I Found on a Country Walk!

I have a friend that organizes a group of us to go on country walks.

It is awesome, I don't have to organize anything and I just show up at the train station to follow the group!

Downside: I never really know where I am.

A Hidden Gem - The Foundling Museum

London is full of Hidden Gems. In fact, there are so many it becomes overwhelming trying to prioritize which ones to see.   
The Foundling Museum is one of those gems.