Tuesday, August 26, 2014


John advised that perhaps I would like a new umbrella for the occasional rainy day we'll encounter in London.

He looked on the UK Amazon site for umbrellas - and found one for 250 POUNDS!!!! (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY!!!! POUNDS!!!!)

I am starting to worry - they must really covet their umbrellas if people are willing to pay that kind of money!!!!

I wonder why they like their umbrellas so much.....?????

HURRY UP!!! And Wait....

Once we found out we were moving, August was a VERY busy month for us.

We took Bucky back to Florida to go to Guide Dog U.

Then I went up to Ottawa to visit my parents and sisters (and get a dose of Canadiana back in my blood!)

John went to Calgary and the mountains for his Annual Boys Canoe Trip. (He obviously did NOT draw the short straw!)

Then, we sorted the house for storage, purge, Salvation Army, air shipment and suitcase haul.

Then sold two cars.

Then kept the house in pristine condition for rental showings. Then found some great tenants (we hope!) - YEAH!!!!!

Opened bank accounts in the US with links to the UK.

What did I forget?

Tropical Island

After sending Bucky off to College (Guide Dog U) we were empty nesters and decided we wanted a new adventure.

So John went to his boss and asked for an assignment located on a tropical island, with palm trees, gentle warm ocean breezes, sunny days, sandy beaches and crystal clear blue water.

John's boss said "GREAT! You'll LOVE London!"

We said "AWESOME! When do we leave?"

We are sooooooo looking forward to our new adventure - living on an island!

And so it begins.....